Is happiness something given?

After we had a presentation on a seminar that I just came home from i felt like writing in english. Some guys in our class had exidentaly written conclusion instead of the swedish word for it, slutsats. And they started laughing, and everybody laughed. It was a long time ago our whole class (the class we had from start, and our basic) were all gathered, and especially it has been a long time since we wrote or presentated anything in swedish. Many courses are in english, which I prefer most of the time. I have a feeling that it will be more useful in future.
But now to something that crossed my mind today as many other days.
Happiness, is that something we make ourselves? Maybe we can try to strengthen it and enhance, but still, is it possible of keeping and maintaining this happiness despite other factors surounding us?
Since I came back to the city I study in, Kalmar, I have felt slightly depressed. Many people I knew or had a connection with have finished their studies and moved, but we are still left here in this shitwhole so to say.
One positive thing it has brought to us is that we have been able to focus on our studies in a larger amount, also I have discovered that I will never ever be able to live in such a small place. Frankly, it makes me nuts.
I feel that I have the optimism in me, I know I have, but I need to move on and come closer to my goal in order to live it. I am trying, I really am. But it most certainly is not easy when it gets dark around here at 17.00. Or as in fact, it is dark half an hour earlier today I see..
And I really do not mean to make a pity case of myself, but it is hard.
I still feel lucky though that I get to move to Izmir (Turkey) in the end of januari, which is very soon.
The city has a population of 3 million people, I kind of love that fact.
Movement, heat, life, here I come..


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